Congratulations on your predictions being really close!

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On the topic of pediatric vaccinations: I keep seeing vague statements like "children's immune systems are different than adult immune systems" - can you provide any more detail on what the relevant differences are? If mice lie and monkeys exaggerate, what do kids do?

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As for the "it's so new" argument, perhaps it is worth mentioning that COVID-19 is also very new, and we know it has terrible effects, including death. The tradeoff seems pretty straightforward, unless you plan to live in total isolation for years while you wait for the vaccines to stop being so new.

My own employer just announced a policy for vaccination. Currently not mandatory, but highly encouraged. One concern is whether it's possible to mandate vaccination during Emergency Use Authorization, since those vaccines are not actually "approved" by the FDA. I'm completely in favor of mandatory vaccination for employees, but it's moot now (there isn't enough vaccine to go around just yet) and premature.

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