Re: myocarditis -- what about the mRNA vaccines might be causing the problem? In a recent article in Pediatrics examining the issue (https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2021/06/04/peds.2021-052478) it was proposed that it might be related to the increased systemic reactogenicity seen (along with increased immunogenicity) in younger patients. If this is the case, might it be addressed by decreasing the dose, or changing the timing of the second dose? Are there any other plausible explanations? (This is the only one I've seen suggested.)

I'm a little concerned about what this means for vaccinating children under 12. Myocarditis tends to peak in younger men, but also in very young children (peaking in infancy, declining steadily over the following couple of years or so until reaching the baseline). And for the latter, it is more frequently severe. Pfizer has settled on a 3-µg dose for children aged 2-5 -- one-tenth that given to all ages so far -- which I hope mitigates this concern. But how could we know without a much larger trial?

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Aren't the vaccine uptake numbers you give for *all* vaccines, not just Pfizer?

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