Molekule makes a combination HEPA/PETA filter setup in various sizes that is FDA approved for hospital use. The PETA filter kills bacteria and virus particles.

I have purchased 2 for the rooms my 96 yo father is in as he has several caregivers coming in and I am not certain of their safety levels. Because of his age, medical history, and degree of frailty, I am not convinced that the J&j vaccine has even mounted enough immune response for him to be fully protected.

I am considering getting him a booster as well since even mild disease might place him in jeopardy. Even flu vaccines have higher doses to boost immunity in the elderly population.

I’m debating if I should get the booster as well since I not only care for him at home but work in the hospital environment, nit for my own benefit but to further protect him. At the same time, I want everyone to have access to vaccines. I struggle with this.

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Sounds like a good setup. I think what Molekule uses is actually a "PECO" filter, though, which stands for photo electrochemical oxidation. It's a combination filter-sanitizer. The filter standard itself is not readily disclosed on the Molekule site, which is somewhat frustrating, but they claim it is at-minimum better than HEPA, and their publicly-available data suggest that that is so. Unfortunately standards for consumer products data reporting are not usually as high as for drugs, but their technology is pretty cool. The filter is just the first step. The second step is the use of light to mobilize chemicals within the filter to create hydroxyl free radicals, which are very harsh and reactive. These then apparently begin the work of destroying particulates deposited on the filter.

The cool thing about this is that instead of just filtering the air, this thing then goes ahead and sanitizes its own filter, which probably helps with disposal of more persistent things like bacteria, which don't necessarily perish shortly after being caught in a filter. For a virus like SARS-CoV-2, I would expect HEPA to be enough since the filters do not need to be changed daily, but this would qualify as more than enough. More than enough isn't bad :)

Re:boosters...I agree, it's a difficult situation. I'm going get one if told to get one, but until then...I'll wait, happily.

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