The local lockdowns are not suggestions by diBlasio, and they are, in fact, supported by Cuomo. My brother's Jewish day school in Queens was served by armed sheriffs yesterday with a government order to shut down. They had a little trouble serving the order because, of course, the school was already shut down for the holiday.
Hi Robert--thanks for this comment. As of the writing of the newsletter, this was a developing story. Mayor DeBlasio had made the suggestion for a zip code-based lockdown; this was the mayoral plan. Governor Cuomo was and still is opposed to a zip code-based lockdown. In the intervening time, he has written a new plan that uses a zone-based approach focusing on epicenters of infection and has gradations of lockdown severity. I will be covering this plan in tomorrow's newsletter and contrasting it with the original mayoral plan. Cuomo's system is probably better, at the end of the day.
The local lockdowns are not suggestions by diBlasio, and they are, in fact, supported by Cuomo. My brother's Jewish day school in Queens was served by armed sheriffs yesterday with a government order to shut down. They had a little trouble serving the order because, of course, the school was already shut down for the holiday.
Hi Robert--thanks for this comment. As of the writing of the newsletter, this was a developing story. Mayor DeBlasio had made the suggestion for a zip code-based lockdown; this was the mayoral plan. Governor Cuomo was and still is opposed to a zip code-based lockdown. In the intervening time, he has written a new plan that uses a zone-based approach focusing on epicenters of infection and has gradations of lockdown severity. I will be covering this plan in tomorrow's newsletter and contrasting it with the original mayoral plan. Cuomo's system is probably better, at the end of the day.